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Dr. Rahimi Nejad


The department of Psychology began its activity in 1344.

     Now the department accepts students in the programs including Clinical Psychology at B.A level, General & Clinical Psychology at M.A level and Health Psychology at Ph.D. level.

     Our graduate students will engage in activities related to recognition and treatment of Psychological disorders in general or mental institutions, psychiatric clinics and similar centers, or they may work as a psychologist in primary & secondary schools. In all these cases, while working  as a part of a team composed of psychiatrists, nurses and social workers, our psychologists can undertake the major part of the responsibilities which include the recognition of behavioral disorders, individual and collective treatment, consultation, guidance and re-education.

    The graduates of this department may be employed in educational centers, nurseries, prisons, penitentiaries, institutes for keeping retarded people, rehabilitation centers, and centers for keeping mentally or physically handicapped people, as well as centers of training misdemeanant children.