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Department of Educational Psychology & Counseling

Dr. Ezheyi


The department of Psychological principles of Education was separated from the Department of Social and Philosophical principles of Education in 1355.

The department is composed of 2 B.A programs (counseling & Exceptional Children), 2 M.A programs (Educational Psychology & Exceptional children), and 1 PhD program (Educational Psychology) until 1384.

In 1384, the department of Psychological Principles of Education was divided into 2 departments named as: "The department of Educational Psychology & Counseling" and "The department of Psychology & Education of Exceptional Children". Currently the Department takes students in B.A level (consulting), M.A level (Educational Psychology, Family Consultation and School Consultation) and Ph.D. level (Educational Psychology & General Psychology).

:Educational Psychology

Educational Psychology, in general, deals with Institutional learning which includes the following actions:

·        Determining educational goals – what learners should learn

·        Determining learners' characteristics and its effect on learning process

·        Cognition of learning process – what motivates people to learn

·        Cognition of education process, to understand relations between educational methods and achieving desired goals along with individual differences

·        Evaluation of learning, specially educational progress learning and thinking method

·        Preparing and devising educational- Psychological measurement instrument



Speedy scientific, social, cultural and economic changes along with unexpected events such as war, accidents, illness and complications in communication all together cause problems in mental, emotional and behavioral fields for our people which threatens their social, mental and physical wellbeing.  The graduates of this program can help efficiently to prevent and resolve these challenges by giving advises and recommendations to the eligible persons.